Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Buat yang suka Facebook

Mau Sms an GRATIS lewat FAceBook?
Gini caranya:

1. Yang jelas login di FB dulu( JANGAN BUKAK YANG LAIN)

2. Buka situs

3. Klik "Add our Facebook Application"

4. Lalu klik tombol "Izinkan"

5. Klik lagi tombol "Cantumkan ke dalam profil"

nah dah jadi....tinggal smsAn


SMS your friends for free!!!

Due to facebook upgrading, the text boxes may not be working. To use it, kindly add the app as a tab (click on the + tab and add ChatSMS)

We honor your privacy!! Only YOU will see these messages.

Phone Number: +
SMS Text:
letters left

Replies from your friends will be displayed below.
Other friends viewing your profile will not see e msgs below :P
Powered by dodoText
auto update every ten minutes ;

sedikit cerita

hai...!!! awalnya cman iseng-iseng ja bwat blog.
gak nyangka,jadi juga...
ya meski lom ada isinya. ya buat yang g sengaja lewat di sini, maaf lo blog q ni g da papanya. maklu masih coba coba ni